Frederick, MD Weddings

26 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio has 26 videographers serving Frederick County, MD, including Frederick, Burkittsville, Ladiesburg, Myersville, Sabillasville, and Woodsboro, Maryland.

View All 26 Frederick Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Frederick:


Silver Spring Videographer

We film weddings and many other types of events. Professional videography and editing studio is located in Silver Spring, MD serving MD / DC / VA / NY / NJ. We work hard at capturing your event and editing your video to be cherished for your years to come. We bring a contemporary style of video to the industry and still keep traditional aspects. Feel free to check out our website and learn more about us. We look forward to hearing from you.

  • PVES - Silver Spring MD Wedding

2  Maverick Productions

Reisterstown Videographer

International Award-Winning High Definition Cinematography. Instead of set packages, our rates are based on an all-inclusive hourly rate. This allows us to provide you the very best of our services with no limitations on what can be achieved in filming or recordation, production, and final delivery. This ultimately provides you and all of our clients with the highest level of service and most comprehensive wedding movie.

  • Maverick Productions - Reisterstown MD Wedding

3  Bowen Films

Bethesda Videographer

We are a small group of artists with a passion for storytelling, specializing in one of a kind wedding films. Our goal is to bring together our unique skills and creativity to tell beautiful stories about the lives of people like you. Since our beginnings in 1998, we have seen a great increase in our demand, simply because we love what we do.

  • Bowen Films - Bethesda MD Wedding

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