Worcester, MA Weddings

29 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 29 florists serving Worcester County, MA, including Worcester, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Westminster, Auburn, and Leominster, Massachusetts.

View All 29 Worcester Florists

Featured Florists Serving Worcester:

1  Lavender

Groton Florist

Lavender, your Groton, MA wedding florist - offers a wide selection of bridal bouquets, wedding ceremony flowers, floral cake decorations, & centerpieces to fit any budget.

  • Lavender - Groton MA Wedding

2  Cameron & Fairbanks Floral Design

Brimfield Florist

​At Cameron & Fairbanks we are committed to balancing an extremely high level of quality with sustainable practices, to create stunning budget friendly flower arrangements and breath taking landscapes.

  • Cameron & Fairbanks Floral Design - Brimfield MA Wedding

3  Country Florals

Framingham Florist

  • Country Florals - Framingham MA Wedding

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