Cambridge, MA Weddings

27 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 27 florists serving Middlesex County, MA, including Cambridge, Woburn, Lowell, Framingham, Waltham, and Somerville, Massachusetts.

View All 27 Cambridge Florists

Featured Florists Serving Cambridge:

1  Stapleton Floral Design

Boston Florist

  • Stapleton Floral Design - Boston MA Wedding

2  Wedding Flowers by Annette

Revere Florist

  • Wedding Flowers by Annette - Revere MA Wedding

3  Izabelle's

Belmont Florist

Parties and weddings come in all sizes and prices. We are committed to working with you to realize your vision within your budget to make each event a one-of-a kind experience.

  • Izabelle's - Belmont MA Wedding

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