Shreveport, LA Weddings

3 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 3 florists serving Caddo Parish, LA, including Shreveport, Blanchard, Keithville, Belcher, Hosston, and Rodessa, Louisiana.

View All 3 Shreveport Florists

Featured Florists Serving Shreveport:

1  Moss

Tyler Florist

  • Moss - Tyler TX Wedding

2  The Party People

Shreveport Florist

From dazzling dancefloors and sensational tablescapes to breathtaking backdrops and captivating special effects, there are countless ways we can add that special touch to your unforgetable day. Established since 1997, our full-service company has the distinct honor of having the first certified balloon artist (CBA) in North Louisiana to insure in creating impressive balloon decor for your special event.

  • The Party People - Shreveport LA Wedding

3  La Tee Da Flowers

Tyler Florist

La Tee Da is a East Texas Wedding Florist, award winning and dedicated to surpassing your expectations. Beautiful, wonderful flowers -- God's amazing gift to us!

  • La Tee Da Flowers - Tyler TX Wedding

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