Kaplan, LA Weddings

11 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 11 caterers serving Vermilion Parish, LA, including Kaplan, Abbeville, Gueydan, Delcambre, Maurice, and Erath, Louisiana.

View All 11 Kaplan Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Kaplan:

1  Southern Creations Catering

Alexandria Caterer

  • Southern Creations Catering - Alexandria LA Wedding

2  Louisiana Bayou Bistro

Brusly Caterer

At Bayou Bistro, we are committed to creating a memorable experience for you and your guests. We provide beautifully presented, great tasting food, along with the highest standards of service.

  • Louisiana Bayou Bistro - Brusly LA Wedding

3  La Belle Venue

Eunice Caterer

  • La Belle Venue - Eunice LA Wedding

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