Morehead, KY Weddings

27 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 27 florists serving Rowan County, KY, including Morehead, Farmers, Clearfield, Haldeman, and Elliottville, Kentucky.

View All 27 Morehead Florists

Featured Florists Serving Morehead:

1  Piepmeier, The Florist

Cincinnati Florist

At Piepmeier, The Florist, we understand that you have enough to worry about when it comes to planning your wedding; that's why we specialize in handling every aspect of wedding floral arrangements.

  • Piepmeier, The Florist - Cincinnati OH Wedding

2  Michler's Florist, Greenhouses & Garden Design

Lexington Florist

  • Michler's Florist, Greenhouses & Garden Design - Lexington KY Wedding

3  Abbey Florist

Cincinnati Florist

Abbey Florist has been proudly serving the greater Cincinnati area. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. Because all of our customers are important, our professional staff is dedicated to making your experience a pleasant one. That is why we always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect.

  • Abbey Florist - Cincinnati OH Wedding

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