Middlesboro, KY Weddings

3 Wedding Reception Musicians

WedFolio has 3 reception musicians serving Bell County, KY, including Middlesboro, Stoney Fork, Arjay, Kettle Island, Hulen, and Frakes, Kentucky.

View All 3 Middlesboro Reception Musicians

Featured Reception Musicians Serving Middlesboro:

1  Tocar

Knoxville Reception Musician

Tocar wants to make your wedding reception the most memorable one of all. You can customize your own set list of your favorite songs to help celebrate the best day of your life, and we will provide the musical memories.

  • Tocar - Knoxville TN Wedding

2  The Breakfast Club

Asheville Reception Musician

We feel very honored when we are chosen to provide the entertainment for any event. Whether it’s the most important day of your life or just a throw-down good time, our contribution to the overall success of your event is our focus.

  • The Breakfast Club - Asheville NC Wedding

3  Big Creek Music

Barnardsville Reception Musician

  • Big Creek Music - Barnardsville NC Wedding

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