Middlesboro, KY Weddings

23 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 23 florists serving Bell County, KY, including Middlesboro, Stoney Fork, Arjay, Kettle Island, Hulen, and Frakes, Kentucky.

View All 23 Middlesboro Florists

Featured Florists Serving Middlesboro:

1  Ray's Florist & Greenhouse

Sylva Florist

Ray's Florist & Greenhouse has been proudly serving Sylva since 1991. We are family owned and operated with 1 location serving the Sylva/Dillsboro area. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt.

  • Ray's Florist & Greenhouse - Sylva NC Wedding

2  The Bloom Room

Asheville Florist

Located in historic downtown Asheville, NC, we are a full service floral and event design studio... Fabulous Flowers, Creative Details, the works. By appointment only... for date availability or complimentary consultations please visit our website.

  • The Bloom Room - Asheville NC Wedding

3  Samuel Franklin

Clinton Florist

  • Samuel Franklin - Clinton TN Wedding

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