Lawrence, KS Weddings

10 Wedding Hair and Makeup Stylists

WedFolio lists 10 hair and makeup stylists serving Douglas County, KS, including Lawrence, Baldwin City and Eudora, Kansas.

View All 10 Lawrence Hair and Makeup Stylists

Featured Hair and Makeup Stylists Serving Lawrence:

1  The Glam Room Salon

Kansas City Hair / Makeup Stylist

Book all Wedding Day appointments 4 months in advance. If you have a very large Bridal Party, book at least 6 months in advance. If you want a specific stylist to do your hair and/or makeup the day of your wedding, call ASAP to make sure they are available for your wedding day, and for your Practice Session 2-3 weeks before that.

  • The Glam Room Salon - Kansas City MO Wedding

2  Images Salon & Day Spa

Lawrence Hair / Makeup Stylist

  • Images Salon & Day Spa - Lawrence KS Wedding

3  Skyline Downtown Salon

Kansas City Hair / Makeup Stylist

  • Skyline Downtown Salon - Kansas City MO Wedding

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