Emporia, KS Weddings

3 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 3 ceremony musicians serving Lyon County, KS, including Emporia, Hartford, Allen, Reading, Neosho Rapids, and Americus, Kansas.

View All 3 Emporia Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Emporia:

1  Kansas City Strings

Shawnee Ceremony Musician

  • Kansas City Strings - Shawnee KS Wedding

2  Fontana

Overland Park Ceremony Musician

We are Kansas City's own Fontana! Classical music with flair! Let Fontana create the perfect music for your wedding.

  • Fontana - Overland Park KS Wedding

3  Brookside Strings

Kansas City Ceremony Musician

Ideal for weddings, receptions, school and house concerts, the Brookside String Quartet (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello) has ventured from being the opening act for Meatloaf (yes, the rocker!) to appearing in a "Classics" video for Hallmark Cards.

  • Brookside Strings - Kansas City MO Wedding

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