Emporia, KS Weddings

19 Wedding Cake Designers

WedFolio has 19 cake designers serving Lyon County, KS, including Emporia, Hartford, Allen, Reading, Neosho Rapids, and Americus, Kansas.

View All 19 Emporia Cake Designers

Featured Cake Designers Serving Emporia:

1  Confectionary Disasters

Topeka Cake Designer

  • Confectionary Disasters - Topeka KS Wedding

2  Eileen’s Colossal Cookies

Lawrence Cake Designer

Our frosting artists are ready to decorate your custom designs. You can choose your flavor, and your cookie size from 3 inches up to 16 inches. Let us know the design and message you would like, or use our catalog to pick that perfect design for any occasion, Wedding, Anniversary & Love.

  • Eileen’s Colossal Cookies - Lawrence KS Wedding

3  Sweet Arts Creations

Gardner Cake Designer

  • Sweet Arts Creations - Gardner KS Wedding

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