Gary, IN Weddings

37 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 37 florists serving Lake County, IN, including Gary, Hammond, Crown Point, Merrillville, Dyer, and Hobart, Indiana.

View All 37 Gary Florists

Featured Florists Serving Gary:

1  Natural Beauties Florist

Chicago Florist

Wedding florists in Chicago, IL Natural Beauties specializes in wedding flowers, bridal bouquets & event design.

  • Natural Beauties Florist - Chicago IL Wedding

2  Belles & Thistles Floral Design

Glenwood Florist

  • Belles & Thistles Floral Design - Glenwood IL Wedding

3  Cattails

Chicago Florist

Cattails strives to bring you quality flowers at fair prices. By being a small and personal shop, owners Dina and Lisa are able to work directly with you whether it's putting together a small bouquet or helping you plan for a wedding.

  • Cattails - Chicago IL Wedding

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