Columbus, IN Weddings

29 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio lists 29 caterers serving Bartholomew County, IN, including Columbus, Hope, Grammer, Clifford, Jonesville, and Hartsville, Indiana.

View All 29 Columbus Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Columbus:

1  Thomas Caterers of Distinction

Indianapolis Caterer

A Full-Service, Off-Premise Caterer that specializes in scratch gourmet catering in private homes, offices and special event venues. Our commitment to excellence and education keeps us on the cutting edge in Indiana and throughout the country.

  • Thomas Caterers of Distinction - Indianapolis IN Wedding

2  Red Pepper Deli

La Grange Caterer

  • Red Pepper Deli - La Grange KY Wedding

3  Artisan Foodworks

Columbus Caterer

  • Artisan Foodworks - Columbus IN Wedding

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