Rockford, IL Weddings

37 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 37 florists serving Winnebago County, IL, including Rockford, Loves Park, Seward, Cherry Valley, Rockton, and Winnebago, Illinois.

View All 37 Rockford Florists

Featured Florists Serving Rockford:

1  Village Flower Shop

Plainfield Florist

Your wedding is the biggest day of your life! At Village Flower Shop, we know that. We thrive on it. We are inspired by the magic and romance of this biggest of life's moments. Be assured our job does not end at design and creativity. We promise to coordinate the timing and details so you are free to enjoy the celebration.

  • Village Flower Shop - Plainfield IL Wedding

2  Hues in Harmony Florals

Itasca Florist

With flexibility of her color expertise and floral design talent, she will create the ambience for your home, office, special event or wedding day.

  • Hues in Harmony Florals - Itasca IL Wedding

3  Artistic Floral Design

Schaumburg Florist

Artistic Floral Design was established in 1984. Our business is dedicated solely to the floral design of weddings and special events. We take pride in our exceptional service and strive to offer our clients beautiful exotic new ideas in arrangements, bouquets, and room decor.

  • Artistic Floral Design - Schaumburg IL Wedding

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