(4 reviews)
Get a copy of the service, make the wedding an event that all will say "that was the best we have ever seen" Wedding to be preformed at victorian home or place of your choice. I am recommended by Brosh Chapel, St. Peter and Paul in rural Solon, and The Marriott in Coralville.
Empty Cross Ministries Empty Cross Ministries was founded in 2010 by Rev. Dr. David M. Stembaugh, D.D. Empty Cross Ministries is a 5013(c) non profit organization. Empty Cross Ministries is located in Lafayette, Indiana. Empty Cross Ministries offers on line Bible Studies. Daily Bible quotes on line. Empty Cross ministries also offers wedding officiant services, Celebration of Life Officiant services, as well as grief counseling, and financial counsel.
(7 reviews)
Ordained Minister Officiant to personalize a ceremony of your very own. Can do major venues, bed-sides, barnyards, in-your-home weddings, backyards, parks, last minute, on the farm, gas station parking lot (Yes, really), fun or serious, renew your vows, whatever you need. And much more affordable than most! NO Deposits required, NO Contracts to be signed either. Eastern & Central Missouri, Western Illinois. William Bray, Minister/Officiant.
Need an officiant for your wedding? I follow what YOU want for your ceremony and guide you as needed.