Mount Vernon, IL Weddings

3 Wedding Reception Musicians

WedFolio has 3 reception musicians serving Jefferson County, IL, including Mount Vernon, Ina, Waltonville, Bonnie, Scheller, and Belle Rive, Illinois.

View All 3 Mount Vernon Reception Musicians

Featured Reception Musicians Serving Mount Vernon:

1  Arvell and Company

Saint Louis Reception Musician

  • Arvell and Company - Saint Louis MO Wedding

2  Bob Kuban Band

Chesterfield Reception Musician

  • Bob Kuban Band - Chesterfield MO Wedding

3  Social Distraction the Band

Saint Charles Reception Musician

Party music from the 70's,80's and 90's for your wedding reception. Social Distraction is a five piece band with professional lighting and sound equipment.

  • Social Distraction the Band - Saint Charles MO Wedding

Related Mount Vernon Reception Musician Searches:

string ensembles  wedding bands  live entertainment  reception music  jazz bands  wedding reception djs  cover bands  wedding reception bands  reception entertainment  live music for wedding receptions