Chicago, IL Weddings

38 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 38 florists serving Cook County, IL, including Chicago, Schaumburg, Palatine, Evanston, Des Plaines, and Oak Park, Illinois.

View All 38 Chicago Florists

Featured Florists Serving Chicago:

1  Cattails

Chicago Florist

Cattails strives to bring you quality flowers at fair prices. By being a small and personal shop, owners Dina and Lisa are able to work directly with you whether it's putting together a small bouquet or helping you plan for a wedding.

  • Cattails - Chicago IL Wedding

2  Scarlet Petal Florist

Chicago Florist

  • Scarlet Petal Florist - Chicago IL Wedding

3  Lavish Weddings

Lyons Florist

Maria & Raymond Chavez started their buisness over 12 years ago, selling balloons in a small flee market. They then opened up a wholesale floral shop and started to create unique floral designs. Lavish Weddings is now servicing all wedding and special event decor from floral centerpieces, linen, backdrops, lighting and more. As the buisness continues to grow, they continue to create latest designs for your LAVISH wedding!

  • Lavish Weddings - Lyons IL Wedding

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