Pocatello, ID Weddings

4 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 4 florists serving Bannock County, ID, including Pocatello, Inkom, Arimo, Swanlake, Lava Hot Springs, and Downey, Idaho.

View All 4 Pocatello Florists

Featured Florists Serving Pocatello:

1  Fleur de V Events

Wilson Florist

Fleur de V, a Jackson Hole, Wyoming florist, offers a wide range of wedding bouquets, wedding and event ceremony flowers, floral cake decorations and more.

  • Fleur de V Events - Wilson WY Wedding

2  The Rose Shop

Idaho Falls Florist

Hand in hand with our floral business, The Rose Shop Reception Center is one of the most beautiful facilities for parties, events, and receptions in the Snake River Valley. As an indoor setting with a garden-like feel, we provide elegant accommodations for a truly memorable occasion.

  • The Rose Shop - Idaho Falls ID Wedding

3  Briar Rose

Jackson Florist

  • Briar Rose - Jackson WY Wedding

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