Grangeville, ID Weddings

8 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 8 caterers serving Idaho County, ID, including Grangeville, Ferdinand, Pollock, Cottonwood, Kooskia, and White Bird, Idaho.

View All 8 Grangeville Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Grangeville:

1  Casual to Caviar Catering

Missoula Caterer

Casual to Caviar Catering service a wide variety of events, ranging from your most formal events to your casual family gatherings. From the formal wedding reception to the boardroom luncheon to the backyard party - Casual to Caviar is your caterer of choice!

  • Casual to Caviar Catering - Missoula MT Wedding

2  Chef Colleen

Walla Walla Caterer

  • Chef Colleen - Walla Walla WA Wedding

3  Olive Marketplace and Café

Walla Walla Caterer

  • Olive Marketplace and Café - Walla Walla WA Wedding

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