Boise, ID Weddings

7 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 7 florists serving Ada County, ID, including Boise, Meridian, Kuna, Eagle, Garden City, and Star, Idaho.

View All 7 Boise Florists

Featured Florists Serving Boise:

1  Boise At Its Best

Boise Florist

Boise At Its Best proudly serves the Boise area. We are family owned and operated. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts.

  • Boise At Its Best - Boise ID Wedding

2  Overland Floral

Boise Florist

Call us to schedule a consultation, so we can help you start planning flowers for your dream wedding or a special event – large or small. Our talented designers create bouquets, flower arrangements and on-site decorating with each client’s individual style and budget in mind.

  • Overland Floral - Boise ID Wedding

3  Hillcrest Floral

Boise Florist

Hillcrest Floral and Gifts has been proudly serving the Boise area since 1974. We are family owned and operated with one location serving the Boise, Meridian, Eagle area.

  • Hillcrest Floral - Boise ID Wedding

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