Marshalltown, IA Weddings

13 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 13 caterers serving Marshall County, IA, including Marshalltown, Haverhill, Rhodes, Ferguson, Liscomb, and Albion, Iowa.

View All 13 Marshalltown Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Marshalltown:

1  Big Daddy's BBQ

Des Moines Caterer

  • Big Daddy's BBQ - Des Moines IA Wedding

2  The Radish Catering and Dining

Grimes Caterer

  • The Radish Catering and Dining - Grimes IA Wedding

3  Julia -N-LeChef Caterers

Cedar Rapids Caterer

Our goal is to provide you with a wide range of catering and event options from intimate to gala celebrations tailored to your needs. We want to provide the environment for you to meet, mingle and be a guest at your event.

  • Julia -N-LeChef Caterers - Cedar Rapids IA Wedding

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