Iowa City, IA Weddings

13 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 13 florists serving Johnson County, IA, including Iowa City, Lone Tree, Swisher, Coralville, Oxford, and North Liberty, Iowa.

View All 13 Iowa City Florists

Featured Florists Serving Iowa City:

1  Heaven on Earth Floral

Peoria Florist

  • Heaven on Earth Floral - Peoria IL Wedding

2  Gregg Florist

Peoria Heights Florist

At Gregg's, we have a commitment to following life's passages and serving as the 'punctuation marks' in experiencing it. Our goal is to frame your environment in the most flattering and delightful way possible. Let us share our knowledge and excitement about beauty and celebration and make every waking moment more exceptional.

  • Gregg Florist - Peoria Heights IL Wedding

3  Otto's Oasis

Charles City Florist

Welcome to our ‘Oasis’!!! Our facility has been serving Charles City and Floyd County since the mid 1920’s. We are committed to offering the finest fresh floral arrangements, gifts, home and garden decor, as well as the largest and best selection of plants in the area. We also carry a large and extensive line of nursery product, which also includes landscape services.

  • Otto's Oasis - Charles City IA Wedding

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