Dubuque, IA Weddings

11 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 11 florists serving Dubuque County, IA, including Dubuque, Durango, Luxemburg, Zwingle, Bernard, and Farley, Iowa.

View All 11 Dubuque Florists

Featured Florists Serving Dubuque:

1  Monét Floral

La Crosse Florist

  • Monét Floral - La Crosse WI Wedding

2  Alluring Blooms

Madison Florist

You're unique. Why should your flowers be any different? At Alluring Blooms we take pride in creating one of a kind custom floral arrangements for your big day. We operate by appointment only, so contact us today to set up your free consultation.

  • Alluring Blooms - Madison WI Wedding

3  Otto's Oasis

Charles City Florist

Welcome to our ‘Oasis’!!! Our facility has been serving Charles City and Floyd County since the mid 1920’s. We are committed to offering the finest fresh floral arrangements, gifts, home and garden decor, as well as the largest and best selection of plants in the area. We also carry a large and extensive line of nursery product, which also includes landscape services.

  • Otto's Oasis - Charles City IA Wedding

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