Des Moines, IA Weddings

9 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 9 florists serving Polk County, IA, including Des Moines, Ankeny, West Des Moines, Urbandale, Grimes, and Sheldahl, Iowa.

View All 9 Des Moines Florists

Featured Florists Serving Des Moines:

1  Otto's Oasis

Charles City Florist

Welcome to our ‘Oasis’!!! Our facility has been serving Charles City and Floyd County since the mid 1920’s. We are committed to offering the finest fresh floral arrangements, gifts, home and garden decor, as well as the largest and best selection of plants in the area. We also carry a large and extensive line of nursery product, which also includes landscape services.

  • Otto's Oasis - Charles City IA Wedding

2  Ali's Weeds Floral & Gift Boutique

Marion Florist

Wedding Flowers and Party Flowers from Ali's Weeds will ensure your special day is a blooming success... We're your Full Service Wedding Florist! Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are here six days a week to assist you with the perfect arrangement or the weddding of your dreams.

  • Ali's Weeds Floral & Gift Boutique - Marion IA Wedding

3  Voila!

Omaha Florist

Voila specializes in floral designs, silk arrangements, weddings and events, corporate clients, distinctive gifts, green and blooming plants, and home consulting.

  • Voila! - Omaha NE Wedding

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