Des Moines, IA Weddings

1 Wedding Ceremony Musicians

WedFolio has 1 ceremony musicians serving Polk County, IA, including Des Moines, Ankeny, West Des Moines, Urbandale, Grimes, and Sheldahl, Iowa.

View All 1 Des Moines Ceremony Musicians

Featured Ceremony Musicians Serving Des Moines:

1  42nd Street Quartet

Des Moines Ceremony Musician

Our string quartet can add the perfect finishing touch to your event. Composed of two violins, one viola, and one cello, the 42nd Street Quartet is a group of professional musicians with many years of experience. We have played together as a quartet for over 8 years and can help you to plan the perfect mix of music for your event.

  • 42nd Street Quartet - Des Moines IA Wedding

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