Lihue, HI Weddings

11 Wedding Florists

WedFolio has 11 florists serving Kauai County, HI, including Lihue, Makaweli, Hanalei, Kapaa, Koloa, and Anahola, Hawaii.

View All 11 Lihue Florists

Featured Florists Serving Lihue:

1  Mr. Flowers

Princeville Florist

We have years of experience from formal State Dinners at the White House to private ceremonies on our Hawaiian beaches to make your special day the wedding of your dreams.

  • Mr. Flowers - Princeville HI Wedding

2  Easley Designs

Honolulu Florist

  • Easley Designs - Honolulu HI Wedding

3  Orchid Alley Kauai

Kapaa Florist

Offering hundreds of orchid species and hybrid varieties, owners Neill and Fely Sams earned Best In Show awards twice this year and their most recent hybrid, Mr. Nishio, “…Nice Vanda” just received a highly commended certificate from the American Orchid Society. As a certified nursery, Orchid Alley Kauai ships live orchid plants and blooming orchid gift baskets to the mainland.

  • Orchid Alley Kauai - Kapaa HI Wedding

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