Savannah, GA Weddings

23 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 23 florists serving Chatham County, GA, including Savannah, Tybee Island, Bloomingdale, and Pooler, Georgia.

View All 23 Savannah Florists

Featured Florists Serving Savannah:

1  Any Blooming Thing

Bloomingdale Florist

  • Any Blooming Thing - Bloomingdale GA Wedding

2  Charleston Florist

Charleston Florist

Established in 1933. As one of the oldest florists in the state of South Carolina, Charleston Florist has been proudly serving the Lowcountry for over 75 years. Wedding and all occasions flowers.

  • Charleston Florist - Charleston SC Wedding

3  John Davis Florist

Savannah Florist

  • John Davis Florist - Savannah GA Wedding

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