Sarasota, FL Weddings

31 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 31 florists serving Sarasota County, FL, including Sarasota, North Port, Venice, Nokomis, Englewood, and Osprey, Florida.

View All 31 Sarasota Florists

Featured Florists Serving Sarasota:

1  Mildred Maloney Flowers

Saint Petersburg Florist

  • Mildred Maloney Flowers - Saint Petersburg FL Wedding

2  Blossom Events

Tampa Florist

We provide exquisite custom floral and decorations to fit any event style. As the premier wedding and special event planners and Tampa wedding florist, we offer so many services that can make your wedding “a dream come true".

  • Blossom Events - Tampa FL Wedding

3  Seminole Florist

Seminole Florist

Finding the right florist for such an important day is vital. We will spend our time making sure what you want is achieved. We are happy to talk to clients by phone at any time, or hold discussions outside the work week, because our aim is that the service offered be a personal one.

  • Seminole Florist - Seminole FL Wedding

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