Jacksonville, FL Weddings

23 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 23 florists serving Duval County, FL, including Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, and Atlantic Beach, Florida.

View All 23 Jacksonville Florists

Featured Florists Serving Jacksonville:

1  Prange's Florist

Gainesville Florist

We are a full service florist, both serving the local Gainesville area and sending flowers and baskets to your loved ones and business associates around the country.

  • Prange's Florist - Gainesville FL Wedding

2  Anything With Plants & Flowers

Jacksonville Florist

When the time comes to plan your perfect wedding day, we would like to guide you each step of the way. Flowers and plants are an integral part of making your wedding special. If you are planning on getting married in the Northeast Florida or Southeast Georgia area, give us a call.

  • Anything With Plants & Flowers - Jacksonville FL Wedding

3  Nature Scapes

Bunnell Florist

Landscape, Garden Center, Florist and Gift Shoppe Nature Scapes.

  • Nature Scapes - Bunnell FL Wedding

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