Fort Myers, FL Weddings

21 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 21 florists serving Lee County, FL, including Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Lehigh Acres, Bonita Springs, North Fort Myers, and Fort Myers Beach, Florida.

View All 21 Fort Myers Florists

Featured Florists Serving Fort Myers:

1  Mildred Maloney Flowers

Saint Petersburg Florist

  • Mildred Maloney Flowers - Saint Petersburg FL Wedding

2  Cape Coral Floral Designs

Cape Coral Florist

We are a Family owned and operated company with a wonderful professional and experienced team who will always be happy to help you with whatever your needs. Once again we would like to thank you for choosing Cape Coral's number one florist, as voted by the people of Cape Coral for five years in a row, 2005 to 2009. We will be happy to show you why!

  • Cape Coral Floral Designs - Cape Coral FL Wedding

3  Lyfe of the Party

Naples Florist

With a sense of flair and an eye for the sublime, the ladies of Lyfe of the Party are committed to providing unparalleled service and creativity by tapping in to their clients’ vision and realizing their desires through floral artistry and theme decor.

  • Lyfe of the Party - Naples FL Wedding

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