Durango, CO Weddings

4 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio has 4 videographers serving La Plata County, CO, including Durango, Ignacio, Bayfield, Marvel, and Hesperus, Colorado.

View All 4 Durango Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Durango:

1  KasalaProductions

Crested Butte Videographer

Kasala Productions is a dedicated Colorado videography company, specializing in weddings. We also produce videos of sports and musical events, family gatherings and company meetings. Please preview our highlights videos, review our pricing and delivery details and fill out our contact form. We’ll be in touch to answer your questions and reserve your date. You can also visit us on Facebook and see even more videos on Vimeo.

  • KasalaProductions - Crested Butte CO Wedding

2  Shutterfreek

Farmington Videographer

Photography and video production in Farmington NM, Durango, CO. Weddings, Portraits, Seniors, Commercial, Studio, Events. Clean urban vintage style covering the Four Corners. Willing to travel anywhere. We do it all!

  • Shutterfreek - Farmington NM Wedding

3  Brett Schreckengost Productions

Telluride Videographer

I am an adventure photographer and filmmaker based at 9600′ in Ophir, Colorado, a small alpine community above Telluride. I shoot all around the world, specializing in mountain sports, travel and music, and Weddings. Photography and Film Services.

  • Brett Schreckengost Productions - Telluride CO Wedding

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