Merced, CA Weddings

94 Wedding Videographers

WedFolio has 94 videographers serving Merced County, CA, including Merced, Atwater, Cressey, Hilmar, Santa Rita Park, and El Nido, California.

View All 94 Merced Videographers

Featured Videographers Serving Merced:

1  M.O.S.S. Productions

San Ramon Videographer

M.O.S.S. (Masters of Sight and Sound) Productions is a full scale video production company. This allows professionals to use boundless resources to capture your elegant event. With numerous packages options or "Tailor-it-myself" creations, no budget will be an obstacle. This is your special day. We at M.O.S.S. pride ourselves on being an ally, not a distraction. Whether its a cosy indoor or an ellaborate exterior ceremony, it is our mission to preserve this memory forever.

  • M.O.S.S. Productions - San Ramon CA Wedding

2  Audio Visual Consultants

Oakland Videographer

Full-service video production shop in Oakland, CA. Videotaping & video editing, duplication & transfer of DVD, CD, and digital file formats. Open 25+ years.

  • Audio Visual Consultants - Oakland CA Wedding

3  Lake Tahoe Films

South Lake Tahoe Videographer

Lake Tahoe Films specializes in professional wedding video for Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, Carson City, Reno, Sacramento and Northern Nevada areas.

  • Lake Tahoe Films - South Lake Tahoe CA Wedding

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