Fresno, CA Weddings

31 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 31 caterers serving Fresno County, CA, including Fresno, Clovis, Orange Cove, Reedley, Biola, and Shaver Lake, California.

View All 31 Fresno Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Fresno:

1  Chefanelli's Catering

Merced Caterer

Chefanelli’s is prepared to make your event the best yet. Chefanelli’s culinary specialties, weddings, anniversaries and all kinds of events. Having catered events for 1500+ people, no event is too large for Chefanelli’s,

  • Chefanelli's Catering - Merced CA Wedding

2  Cosmopolitan Catering

Fresno Caterer

Cosmopolitan Catering is a licensed, insured, full service catering business located in Fresno California. It has been owned and operated by the Lanfranco family since 1933.

  • Cosmopolitan Catering - Fresno CA Wedding

3  Clementine Cupcake Company

Paso Robles Caterer

Clementine Cupcake Company is an award winning cupcake company that specializes in large events. We are a special order/catering company that bakes in a commercial kitchen, are health department approved, and have Food Safety Management certification. The cupcakes are made fresh the day of your order if event time allows, otherwise never more than a day in advance.

  • Clementine Cupcake Company - Paso Robles CA Wedding

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