Eureka, CA Weddings

4 Wedding Caterers

WedFolio has 4 caterers serving Humboldt County, CA, including Eureka, Arcata, Phillipsville, Scotia, Bayside, and Cutten, California.

View All 4 Eureka Caterers

Featured Caterers Serving Eureka:

1  Sandy's Specialties Cakes & Catering

Cottonwood Caterer

As a full service bakery and caterer, Sandy's Specialties takes care of every detail for your wedding reception. With over 30 years experience in the kitchen, owner and chef, Sandy Cappello, personally prepares and oversees each event to ensure the highest level of quality, taste, and presentation while maintaining affordability for any budget.

  • Sandy's Specialties Cakes & Catering - Cottonwood CA Wedding

2  Redding BBQ Catering

Cottonwood Caterer

Redding BBQ Catering for weddings and events.

  • Redding BBQ Catering - Cottonwood CA Wedding

3  Uniquely Yours Catering

McKinleyville Caterer

  • Uniquely Yours Catering - McKinleyville CA Wedding

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