Prescott, AZ Weddings

28 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 28 florists serving Yavapai County, AZ, including Prescott, Sedona, Prescott Valley, Black Canyon City, Cornville, and Iron Springs, Arizona.

View All 28 Prescott Florists

Featured Florists Serving Prescott:

1  Set the Mood Floral

Phoenix Florist

  • Set the Mood Floral - Phoenix AZ Wedding

2  Allan's Flowers

Prescott Florist

Allan's Flowers is proud to be the premier florist for the Prescott, AZ area. Since 1914, Allan's Flowers has been providing beautiful flowers of exceptional quality in creative arrangements. We pride ourselves on carrying on that tradition here in Prescott and beyond. Give us your ideas, and we will do all we can to turn them into stunning floral art. Our design team is passionate about their work and making sure we always exceed your expectations.

  • Allan's Flowers - Prescott AZ Wedding

3  Rita's Floral Designs

Phoenix Florist

  • Rita's Floral Designs - Phoenix AZ Wedding

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