Selma, AL Weddings

10 Wedding Florists

WedFolio lists 10 florists serving Dallas County, AL, including Selma, Orrville, Marion Junction, Sardis, Plantersville, and Minter, Alabama.

View All 10 Selma Florists

Featured Florists Serving Selma:

1  Flowerbuds

Birmingham Florist

  • Flowerbuds - Birmingham AL Wedding

2  Dorothy McDaniel's Flower Market

Birmingham Florist

  • Dorothy McDaniel's Flower Market - Birmingham AL Wedding

3  Cloth of Gold Floral Design by Katie McDaniel

Birmingham Florist

My unruly style is loose, garden-like, and sculptural. After being married three years, I still remember my wedding as a beautiful space in which I was able to celebrate with family and friends, and now I would like to help create that beauty and ambiance for others.

  • Cloth of Gold Floral Design by Katie McDaniel - Birmingham AL Wedding

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