Mobile, AL Weddings

6 Wedding Reception Musicians

WedFolio has 6 reception musicians serving Mobile County, AL, including Mobile, Theodore, Bucks, Dauphin Island, Saint Elmo, and Wilmer, Alabama.

View All 6 Mobile Reception Musicians

Featured Reception Musicians Serving Mobile:

1  Bucktown All-Stars

Metairie Reception Musician

The Bucktown All-Stars are literally the ‘go to’ band for special events in New Orleans. Whether it be the New Orleans Saints, the King of Carnival, or a classic southern belle bride, the All-Stars pride themselves in their professionalism, high energy and most importantly, throwing the party! It’s often been overheard that brides have booked their weddings around the All-Stars’ availability first, the St. Louis Cathedral second- quite a statement!

  • Bucktown All-Stars - Metairie LA Wedding

2  Groovy7 Band

Covington Reception Musician

Groovy7 is a diverse Party Dance Band based out of New Orleans. Groovy7 is made up of the most in demand and accomplished musicians in the southern region.

  • Groovy7 Band - Covington LA Wedding

3  Harvey Jesus & Fire Band

Pearl River Reception Musician

  • Harvey Jesus & Fire Band - Pearl River LA Wedding

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