Updated Mar 2025

WedFolio Help Center



We want to provide you with the most relevant answers to your questions. To do so, we have created an interactive Help Center that will give you customized help based on your account, location, and status. In order for us to provide that information, you need to be signed in to your account. If you don't have an account and cannot find answers to your questions on this page, you can open a Support Ticket.

Planning your wedding?

If you don't yet have an account and you are currently planning your wedding you can click here to open a free account. If you already have an account but can't remember your password, you can click here to reset it.

Are you a business that provides wedding related services?

If so and you don't already have an account, you can click here to submit your company for free inclusion in our search results. Already have an account but don't remember your User ID? Just go here to have it sent to you. Having trouble remembering your password? Just go here to reset it.

What is WedFolio?

WedFolio is a powerful web application designed to give brides and grooms-to-be the ultimate platform for planning their wedding. We use crowdsourcing to help wedding clients discover, connect to, and communicate with wedding businesses that meet their needs. WedFolio was built using the latest technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 and uses Responsive web design techniques to provide a first-class experience on all devices, including phones, tablets, and desktop environments.
