Digital Wedding Photography - What You Need To Know

by Kim Wieas

You're interviewing a potential photographer and she mentions that she only shoots digital. Huh? Digital for a wedding? Yes, ma'am.

An estimated 80% of wedding photographers have taken the digital plunge. Why? Because today's professional digital cameras are incredibly advanced, resulting in crystal-clear pictures, and possibly faster turnaround times and more convenient sharing options than with conventional photography. Some of the industry's best photographers are shooting digitally -- and are even beginning to prefer it to 35mm.

Here's what you need to know: You know a wedding photographer isn't going to pick up any old 35mm film camera to shoot your wedding. So of course she isn't going to use the point-and-shoot digital varieties that you know and may use. What makes a professional's high-end camera different are resolution and pixel count, and, like any other professional cameras, all the options and settings that allow a photographer to tweak the picture for the very best image possible. These are way beyond basic digital cameras, which means the quality of your pictures will be too.

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